Friday, March 6, 2015

Naming a Blog

When you are new to the world of blogging there is nothing harder than coming up with a name for your blog. Here I am home on a Friday night, the family is asleep and I am blogging like I have never blogged before.

Step one, name my blog, after looking around the room for what seemed like an eternity I spotted the green chip clip. BAM! blog named. Step two, find out why there is a chip clip by the computer no where near any food, I will ask some questions in the morning. Step three, write a blog while using the word blog as many times as possible. Done, the blog has been blogged, is blogged the past tense of blog? Step four, google past tense of blog, blogged does appear to be the right word. Step five, find some chips to eat and put the chip clip to good use.